Monday, 21 November 2011

The Purpose Of Music Video's

Different aspects of releasing music videos
All different music video's have different purposes for posting their videos and networking. Many Videos have different reasons for releasing here are a some popular reasons. A music video could be uploaded to promote either an artists new song or a particular brand. Another common reason for music videos is to make a lot of money from releasing it. Other reasons could include; to showcase an artist look(image) or music, to showcase the lyrics of a song.

The first purpose of releasing a music video is to promote something. It could be to promote a new artist or to promote a new song release. Promoting something by using a music video is similar to an advert because an adverts main objective is to advertise a new product. The more a video is promoted the more the song and artist is promoted helping them become more know and helping their music spread widely.

This is why it is so important for an artist to create the prefect video so it is likeable to a wide audience helping them become famous. A good example is for an unknown artist by promoting their new music video on a worldwide website like YouTube helps them become well known and not just in the United Kingdom but also worldwide because YouTube is a website available to any country. YouTube is a promoting website that helps unknown artists become known for example Justin Bieber who is known worldwide got found on YouTube and the same as new artist Jessie J.

A good example of promoting something is JLS the video underneath shows an advert of a countdown to JLS’s New tour an shows you backstage stuff. This is promoting JLS’s tour because every music video you click to watch the short advert/clip comes up of JLS. It also tells you that basic information of the dates and the website. So this is a good example of promoting something, JLS are promoting their tour to get more viewers to buy tickets to their tour. The second picture to the left shows a advertisement of JLS's new tour this is to help sell tickets and raise awareness of their event. This advertisment is on most music video's before the videos come on. This is so even if you don't know JLS you would hear from them through other people's youtube channels.

To create a visual representation of an artist
The visual representation is where the artist has a distinctive look which makes them stand out and their look compliments the kind of music they sell. This helps the audience what kind of artist he or she is. For example the video allows the audience to see the artist whilst not performing and the audience can feel there energy and the values of the artist. Also the music video can also help the artist reinvent themselves for example Rihanna use to be this young sweet girl then she brought out this other side when she cut her hair and names her album good girl gone bad. The music video could be a way of showing the artist grow and change whilst sending out a particular message or meaning. Rihanna is a good example of visual representation she changed her appearance and her appearance now reflects on the music she sells, she often wears short, bright and young clothes which represents the music she sells which has a young fun feel to it. Rihanna also dresses the way her music comes across outside the public eye so in more detail in Rihanna’s day to day lifestyle she wears the type of clothes she wears in her music videos and on her concerts.

Through Rihanna's newest music video 'We found love' shows her style of clothes which not only represensts her as an artist and as a independent female it also makes young girls want to dress like her. This video is a good example of Rihanna's appearence reflecting on her fun music.

To extend the playability of a song and its income.
To make a new music video/song become more noticed they would get posted on music channels. There are loads of music channels and some music channel play specific music genres for example Channel AKA play grime/rap/rnb and the music channel Scruzz play heavy metal/rock music. Music channels are everwhere on the internet and radio but most artist want their music video's to be shown more wider so they are shown on the tv. When music video's get played on the Tv the record label pay for it to get played and everytime it gets play it gets more views and most likely the music channel will keep showing the music video for atleast two months, this means the artist is kept in the public eye for a long period of time. A song that was played a lot in november 2011 was LMAO 'Sexy and I know it' when it was first released it got played as a vip track which means important play. By first showing the musiv video like that it got plays everywhere and everyone was obsessed with the song because it funny and a good song to dance to. Lots of people then requested for the song to get played on different music channels. This helped the song become more known which made music channels play it because they get more views.
Creating Synergy with other media sectors.
Creating tie ins between media sectors can help promote the different things involved for example a common example would be singers having a specific song for a film. So it is to raise awareness of both sectors involved and may allow artists to be involved in different sectors within the media. A good example I have of two sectors joining together to get more awareness is the film ‘Dream Girls’ and Beyonce’s music video ‘Listen’ they both tie in. The film dream girls are about a group of girls trying to break out into the music industry world and the main actress in this film is Beyonce herself. Beyonce is the main actress in the film hence having her own single called listen that ties in with the film. Within the music video it has flash backs of scenes within the film also the song ‘listen’ that was released helped the film become more known because it starred one of the best female artists. In the film Beyonce also sings the song listen which would help her single to the number 1 in the charts. These to have tied in together by having the same actress starring in the film to have her own music as well so the two different sectors help each other when it come to raising awareness of the film and music video.
The music video is a clear example of a film 'Dream Girls' and the song 'Listen' working together to help promote each sector. They work together well because Beyonce is in the film as a main character and she is also the artist for the single.
Many artists care about the overall presentation of their music videos, many artists want their music video’s to be memorable so they use art and graphics in their music video to make the video more engaging and fun to watch. Artists like Lady gaga who cares about how her music videos are portrayed she not only cares about the lyrics but she cares about what the video looks like. This is why of the main reason why Lady Gaga uses lots of weird use of art within her music videos. The art can help explore what the video means and the emotion behind the music video. These music video’s tend to be the most popular because they are more fun to watch because the video uses a great deal of camera use, with the shot types and the affects. Artists like Lady Gaga are very imaginative so by her putting all these illusions and weird things in her music video kind of lets the audience understand what is going on in her head and it instantly makes the video more memorable. This could be a good risk because the viewers could either love the reader and the whole idea of the art in it or they can dislike it because they don’t the point of the art being in the video. Lady Gaga’s music videos are a good example of good videos that use art and are engaging. Lady Gaga is one of the most successful pop artists music her weird contrasts of videos gets the viewer’s talking about her. Lady Gaga is the only artist around at the moment that makes her videos live up to the lyrics and performance; she wears weird costume, she has weird actors and actresses in her film, she also puts imaginative affects in her music videos. This is why Lady Gaga is so known.

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